
Labeling of Mineral Waters: What You Should Know

Mineral water is a popular and widely consumed product around the world due to its health benefits and purity. However, when choosing from the numerous options available on the market, it is crucial to understand the information that appears on water bottle labels. In this post, we'll break down the key elements of mineral water labeling to help you make informed decisions.

1. Origin of Water

One of the most important aspects on a mineral water label is its origin. Mineral water must be extracted directly from natural underground springs and be protected from any contamination. The label must clearly indicate the name of the spring and the geographical location.


  • Spring: Fuente del Roble
  • Location: Sierra de Guadarrama, España

2. Mineral Composition

Each mineral water has a unique mineral composition that depends on the geology of the area it comes from. The label must list these minerals and their concentrations, generally expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Main minerals to take into account:

  • Calcium (Ca): Important for bone health.
  • Magnesium (Mg): Beneficial for muscles and the nervous system.
  • Sodium (Na): Necessary in small amounts for cellular function.
  • Bicarbonate (HCO3): Helps digestion and neutralizes acidity.
  • Sulfates (SO4): They have laxative effects and improve digestion.

3. Conductivity and Dry Residue

  • Conductivity: Indicates the ability of water to conduct electricity, which is related to the amount of dissolved minerals. It is measured in microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm).
  • Dry Residue: It is the amount of solids that remain after evaporating one liter of water at 180°C, measured in mg/L. A high dry residue indicates a higher concentration of minerals.

Label example:

  • Conductivity: 250 µS/cm
  • Dry Residue: 180 mg/L

4. pH

The pH of water indicates its level of acidity or alkalinity. A pH between 7 and 8.5 is considered ideal for mineral water, as it is close to the natural balance of the human body.

Label example:

  • pH: 7,5

5. Additional Information

Packaging and Expiration Date

Bottled mineral water has a packaging date and an expiration date. Although the water itself does not expire, the quality of the packaging can affect its taste and purity over time.

Volume and Packaging

The label must also specify the volume of water contained and the type of container (glass, plastic, etc.), as well as whether the container is recyclable.

6. Certifications and Recognitions

Some mineral waters have quality certifications and awards that guarantee their purity and health benefits. These certifications must be visible on the label.

Example of certifications:

  • ISO 9001: Quality management certification.
  • NSF: Public Health and Safety Certification.

7. Health Benefits

Mineral water not only hydrates, but can also provide additional health benefits thanks to its mineral content. Here are some examples of how certain minerals can benefit health:

Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium and magnesium are essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Additionally, magnesium aids in muscle and nerve function, and may help prevent cramps.


Baking soda can help neutralize stomach acid, which can be beneficial for people with digestive problems such as heartburn.


Sulfates have a natural laxative effect that can help improve digestion and prevent constipation.

8. Types of Mineral Water

Not all mineral waters are the same. Below are some common types of mineral water:

Natural Mineral Water

Coming from protected underground sources, this type of water does not undergo any treatment beyond filtration to eliminate solid particles. Its mineral composition is unique and constant.

Natural Carbonated Mineral Water

This type of water contains carbon dioxide of natural origin, which gives it its characteristic effervescence. It can be a good option for those who prefer sparkling water.

Mountain spring water

Although similar to natural mineral water, spring water can have a slightly varying mineral composition. It also comes from protected underground sources.

Reading and understanding the mineral water label is essential to ensure you are choosing a product that meets your health needs and personal preferences. The next time you buy mineral water, take a moment to review these details and enjoy healthy, conscious hydration.

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