
Personalized water to give away at events and celebrations

Today we will tell you about all the personalized water options that exist to give away at events and celebrations. Personalized water bottles are very versatile gifts that can be adapted to different situations. They help to show sincere appreciation, gratitude or appreciation to the guests. In addition, they are a magnificent advertising medium. Therefore, using them as a gift at celebrations, family gatherings, parties or company events can be a great opportunity. This way we will be able to maximize the presence of your brand. Below we show you different personalized water options to give away at events and celebrations.

Sport events

Los eventos deportivos son la oportunidad perfecta para realizar regalos promocionales. Y en esta ocasión qué mejor regalo que ofrecer agua personalizada en botella o en brick. Este tipo de celebraciones se convierten en una gran oportunidad para distribuir este tipo de productos promocionales. La razón es que muchos de los asistentes practicarán alguna actividad física y necesitarán hidratarse. Esta ocasión se puede aprovechar desde dos perspectivas. Por un lado, regalar bidones o plastic or metal drums or thermoses to the participants, since after that day they will continue to use them continuously. And, on the other hand, you give away personalized water bottles to the spectators and those attending the conferences. Discover by clicking here our article talking about the best bottle options for sporting events.

Business events

Also, at a business level there are times when giving personalized water becomes the ideal gift. A celebration for the increase in sales or the anniversary of the company are two perfect occasions. In this case, the best option is las botellas de agua personalizadas de cristal , since they are long-lasting and employees will be able to enjoy them for a long time. In short, personalized water bottles with the company logo or even with the name of each worker are always a very grateful gift and generate extra value. Our proposal for the perfect personalized glass water bottle to give away at a business event is the Healsi bottle . We think it's perfect for its different and elegant design!


Es muy habitual utilizar botellas de agua personalizadas en ferias y congresos . Se utilizan todo tipo de diseños, aunque las más demandadas suelen ser las de plástico o en formato brick. Estos dos materiales resultan muy ligeros y manejables, por lo que son muy cómodos de utilizar. Los asistentes pueden llevarlas encima cuando necesiten beber agua, o también pueden llevárselas de recuerdo. Es un regalo muy agradecido y tiene un alto valor percibido, ya que cuando estás cansado el poder hidratarte es una gran ventaja. Repartir botellas personalizadas en estos eventos nos permitirá darnos a conocer, ya que asiste un elevado número de personas. En definitiva, en cualquier feria o congreso encontraremos oportunidades de promoción y generación de marca que no podemos desaprovechar. 

Family celebrations

Each family is different and we all celebrate special moments in a different way. Thankfully, at The Brand Company we have designs for all tastes! A perfect occasion can be your children's birthday. We think our round bottle is the perfect model for children! Weddings are very important celebrations for all the loved ones of the couple. And although it may seem that water is the last thing at a wedding, it is always appreciated to have a bottle on hand (just in case…). It is a perfect gift for all guests regardless of their age, gender or condition. In addition to being a way for them not to forget that special day. We tell you more about personalized water bottles for weddings  in our article dedicated to them

Personalized water to give away at events and celebrations

En este artículo solo nos hemos centrado en unos pocos tipos de eventos. Pero en The Brand Company somos fieles defensores de que el agua para eventos  es buena para celebrar cualquier tipo de ocasión. ¡Entra en our website  and start celebrating !
Personalized water for hotels
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