
What the new marking on paper cups means

The new mandatory marking on cardboard cups means adding a rectangular label to them. This is called the SUP logo (Single Use Plastic) or “the turtle logo”. Two icons appear in the image. A prohibited sign on a hand that deposits a glass on a surface on a red background and to its right a head-down turtle as a result of the presence of a glass in the sea. Along with these images it is announced that this product contains plastic.

Why do paper cups have a new marking?

On July 3, 2021, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151 entered into force . This regulation establishes the rules for the new labeling of disposable containers according to the SUP Directive (single use of plastic) UE 2019/904 , which seeks to reduce marine litter from these products. Cardboard cups must include this marking since, although the visible material of the container is cardboard, the inner layer that allows it to carry liquids is made of PE (polyethylene) plastic.

What is the purpose of the new marking on the cardboard cups?

The new marking on cardboard cups aims to reduce the impact of plastic products, particularly on the sea . You want to inform consumers of the presence of plastic in the product even if it is not visible. This action seeks to achieve a circular economy model in the European Union . Making disposable plastics recyclable or reusable is one of the  United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda Goals for 2030

Should it be printed or added with a label?

As of July 4, 2022 , that is, one year after the entry into force of the regulations, it will be mandatory to carry out the marking through printing or engraving. However, during this period of time the design can be fixed by means of an adhesive label in the manner established in the standard. Although containers without the logo can no longer be produced, the stock already produced can continue to be sold.

Where and how should the markup appear?

The regulations specify that the 'turtle logo' must be as follows:
    • Horizontal on the outer surface of the glass.
    • Away from the edge so it does not come into contact with the consumer's mouth when drinking
  • Never under the base of the glass.
  • In the language of the member country of the European Union in which it is marketed. Or in multilanguage if it is addressed to several countries.
Regarding its design and format, it must follow the following characteristics:
  • Minimum resolution of 300 points
  • Helvetica Bold typeface in uppercase.
  • Glasses of less than 500ml. Minimum size 1.4x2.8cm
  • Glasses of more than 500ml. Minimum size 1.6x3.2cm
At The Brand Company we are committed to a new type of glass, the Supereco or plastic 0. In these containers we have replaced the inner layer of plastic with a water-based material that makes them biodegradable. In addition, we mark our cups with the SUP logo not only because the regulations say so, but because we are very aware of doing our bit to save the environment. If you want to know more about what the new marking on cardboard cups means, you can visit our website or contact us for more informations
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